"Liz Smiley challenges me as an entrepreneur. Each week she creates an action plan, and then makes sure I'm on track to fulfill my goals. She ensures I'm empowered and truly perform like a bad ass business woman." -- Jessica Kizorek of www.badassbusinesswomen.org

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Plan Plan Plan

Are things growing in your business or your project? Do feel a little or a lot scattered? Are you afraid you are going to forget something because you're getting so busy?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then it is time to stop, take a deep breath and schedule time to plan. Schedule 3-5 hours and make sure you have someone supporting you. Play music but make sure you're not distracted. No phone, no Facebook, no TV and no other people that will take you off task. You can have someone with you that you like to brainstorm with.

Take the time to collect anything you will need. Financial reports, sales reports, future business opportunities and everything in between. Start by being certain about the state of your business. Once you are clear with where you are, you can create a vision either on paper or as a vision board.

I am excited to do my planning Saturday and Monday. I am taking my business up a notch. Things are growing and I am reaching a place where there is some reliability.

Power freedom and full self expression here we come!

What you do or don't do for your planning? What do you love to do? What do you hate to do? Share your visions and your dreams.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Going to the next level without shooting yourself in the foot

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Jump in the water. They say the water is perfect. I remind myself of that every day. It sometimes goes that way and jumping into icy water wakes you up enough to stay in action. I have been in business for 2.5 years. During that time I had a baby and worked on growing my business. I have thought about giving up. I have celebrated my successes. Just 3 months ago I decided I needed to get a "job" to create stability and to give me a reliable paycheck so that I had something to count on. I found that 5 weeks ago. This has given me the confidence to be able to actually push my business off the ledge and have it stop being a business for survival. Now I can create having fun and think outside of the box.

Out of this I have created two entirely new aspects of my business.
  • Being the "Business Nanny"

  • Operational Manager for Hire

It is all very exciting. Here I am, swinging out and promoting what I am up to. Three new clients in the last 4 weeks and 2 more possibilities, but it's not a time to get cocky. It's time to stay in action and keep the integrity in. The most important part is to be open to inspiration and spontaneity and to keep breathing.

Where are you expanding? Have you ever had lots of really good things happen and instead of concentrating on the future you wait for the other shoe to drop?

When moving from one stage to the next the key is to tighten up the places that you have ignored and get rigorous with creating the future.

What do you do to keep you from sabotaging yourself??