I am working on my eBook tonight after a very up and down kind of day. Results are not produced without actions. Actions need to be taken with a powerful infrastructure and a solid foundation. To be effective you need to be operating from a powerful place, but when you get one "No" after the other sometimes it is hard to keep staying in a powerful place.
Today my coach and I went back and forth until we figured out that my conversation of "I am not worth it" keeps ruling the day. The story of my life. As I have told my clients the only way to have it stop having such a grip on you is to get the absurdity of it. You end up having a grip on it instead of it having a grip on you. At last count I had the thought "I am screwed" or "I am not worth it" 62 times. It is crazy but I started getting some freedom and power back half way through the day. It started getting funny noticing how many times I had those thoughts.
When I did an interview with someone for my book and the first thing she said is that when she heard the word accountability she did not feel warm and fuzzy. That's why I am writing my eBook "Why Accountability?". I want people have some freedom around the word and to understand the value of being accountable and being responsible. So keep an eye out for my eBook "Why Accountability?"
What do you think of when you here the words accountability and responsibility?
When you are being that what does it provide for you in your life?
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