"Liz Smiley challenges me as an entrepreneur. Each week she creates an action plan, and then makes sure I'm on track to fulfill my goals. She ensures I'm empowered and truly perform like a bad ass business woman." -- Jessica Kizorek of www.badassbusinesswomen.org

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do You Think Things Are Handled?

I do not know about you but getting a business going either from the beginning or from a plateau can be extremely frustrating.

The one thing that almost all business owners forget is that even though things start moving that does not mean that anything is handled. You need to keep following up, networking and creating new business. I personally hate that part of the business, but recently I created a new way to look at it. When I am "Following up", "Networking" and "Creating new business" I am fulfilling my future and my dreams and giving Max what he needs to have the best foundation for his future. This motivates me this gets me moving. It even has me write this blog. Every time I come up against something I picture Max and his future.

I invite you to find something that inspires you, something that wakes you up in the morning. Have that inspiration support you in pushing through the things you hate so that you can fulfill on what you are up to.

This is Max inspired and ready to go. What gets you going like that?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Accountability ?

If you ask me this question my immediate reaction is "UGH". I never WANT to be held accountable. I wish I could wave a magic wand and do all the things I say I am going to do, all the things that I intend to do and all the things others want me to do, but left to my own devices I will only do maybe half or 3/4 of these things. It really all depends on what I feel like doing, not what I said I would do.

So what do I do to impact this? I hired a personal trainer. I have a Business Coach. I even have a coach that is supporting me in writing my first book. Definitely something I would never do if left to my own devices.

Having these people available to me and cheering me on actually has me produce results that I am proud of and excited about. After working with my trainer I am actually contemplating running a 10K run in a year. That was never even a thought 2 months ago.

Accountability gives me freedom, power and the ability to create.

What do you think? Do you run from accountability? Do you love it? What does it provide for you?